It was during this time that she heard of a valuable treasure, held by a young Native American woman, sought by Heihachi Mishima, the wealthy head of the Mishima Zaibatsu. With few options remaining, Kunimitsu resorted to mending air conditioners to make a living. When Yoshimitsu, the head of the Manji Clan, discovered her thefts, the outraged leader banished her from the clan. While initially abiding by the rules of the clan, stealing from the rich and giving to the poor, she later began to steal from the clan's funds for her own benefit. Renouncing her Japanese nationality in order to remain anonymous, she trained hard to learn the art of Manji Ninjutsu and improve her thieving abilities. Kunimitsu started out as a petty thief but later joined the Manji Clan in order to hone her skills.